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Corporate Social Responsibility

Green growth, protect the environment

"Ecomagination" is the business strategy of ROADSTAR flagship, which is designed to use less energy and resources to develop products for the market. At the same time, it aims to reduce the energy and water consumption. ROADSTAR significantly improve operational performance and environmental performance, supporting green economy, through the implementation of "ecomagination" strategy. Prominent examples include high-performance locomotives, smart grid devices and high-quality wind generators.

Convenient and affordable medical services
ROADSTAR contribute to sustainable health services through developing new technologies, supporting systems and providing solutions, and creating healthier workplaces and influencing the lifestyles of employees and other measures. In 2009, ROADSTAR launched "healthy imagination 'strategy to gradually increase the efficiency of medical services, to support for more rapid diagnosis, to improve patient experience and the availability of health care services, and to provide a better therapeutic effect.

Integrity and Responsibility
Credibility is the cornerstone of corporate governance. ROADSTAR of Business Conduct "integrity Handbook" as a guide for ROADSTAR employees doing business between each other, ROADSTAR employees and customers to regulators, the media and other stakeholders to provide guidelines for the delays required to follow contacts, We are committed to building a strong and public credit system. Ensure that employees are free to report concerns.

Please e-mail or telephone, to report ROADSTAR selling products or the relative questions about after-sale. If you want a reply, please leave your name, telephone and address, so that we can contact with you quickly.
Chen Zhifeng legal manager / integrity concerns Assignee
+86-15959583666 (free in Chinese mainland)
+86-595-88189852 (please leave a message if there is no one answer. )

Humanitarian aid
As a responsible corporate citizen, Roadstar faces all kinds of disaster activity. We own a formal and complete process to manager the relief activities, which can make timely and proper reaction and decision after the happening of the disaster. Roadstar donated 200 thousand yuan to support severe drought area occurred in 3 southwest provinces in 2010. At the same year August, Roadstar donated 1600 winter clothes to Yushu Province. Meanwhile, Roadstar foundation donated 1million yuan to support the rescue after quake.

Roadstar volunteer 
The volunteer culture is an important part in Roadstar culture. The members here improve the condition of our community by volunteer activities every day. There are over 100 volunteer contributing more than 2000 hours in our city, education, environmental protection, medical treatment and community building.

location details

No. 25 , Weisideng Industrial Zone, No. 111 Jinyi Road, Shishi City, Fujian Province, China

phone : 86-595-88189852

Email : info@roadstarchina.com

Email : sales@roadstarchina.com

mobile : 86-15959578780

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